On Friday, August 7 the CAC submitted their submission for the Pre-Budget Consultations in advance of the 2021 budget for the Federal Finance Committee.
Out of COVID-19: Creating a truly representative, equitable and inclusive arts ecology provides the committee with a solid background of how the greater Canadian arts ecology can be supported with further structural implementations around the following:
1. Dedicate funds to enable a safe, green re-opening of arts venues and encourage the public to return
to the live arts.
2. Address systemic racism in arts funding by providing funds to ensure enhanced interim, ongoing
operational and project funding for Indigenous, racialized, deaf and disabled and community based
arts organizations.
3. Extend income support programs, including EI and CEWS and develop a Universal Basic income.
4. Invest in innovations in digital creation that enhance financial stability
5. Engage the private sector in the recovery by increasing the charitable tax credit.